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Joseph Tang- A successful composer & teacher of music!

28 Jan

Born and bred in the musical environment, Joseph tang acquired the basics of music from his family in his early age.

His mother, Elizabeth, Head of Ottawa Chapter of the Canadian Music School, and his two brothers are music enthusiasts. When he was kid, his mother and brother started giving the “in-house” knowledge of music.

Winner of dozens of awards for his excellent piano and violin playing skills, Mr. Tang worked day and night to make her name high in the field of music. After long years of laborious and determination, he became such a great musician that every single musical note of his spontaneous music give pleasure to his audiences.

One of Joseph’s fans praised him saying “do not know how but every time Joseph pulls a string, it seems like he had already been through the audience’s mind.

Tang is also a successful teacher and providing music education to other enthusiasts who are eager to step-in this field.

Connect : Joseph Tang